5 Influential Blockchain Leaders in Middle East

blockchain leader in Middle East

No doubt, Middle East blockchain leaders are quite critical as adoption in the region continues to rise. While blockchain technology is still developing throughout the majority of the Middle East, governments in the area are starting to use it to improve financial services, streamline public administration, and expedite corporate operations. Governments in the Middle East are working to lay the groundwork for blockchain-based enterprises, most notably by defining the rules for financial and contractual transactions. Banks are also creating exchange systems driven by blockchain, and blockchain start-ups are emerging with creative blockchain solutions with the assistance of governments around the area.

In light of this, we need digital pioneers to direct blockchain development in the Middle East in a world where cryptocurrency can be withheld in the form of cash from more than 10,000 ATMs, and NFTs are still making waves in the commercial and technology sectors. Here are five favorite Middle East blockchain leaders.

1. Abdulaziz Almuhaisin

Abdulaziz Almuhaisin is the Chairman of Blockchain Solutions at Aramco. He is a blockchain developer and IT project manager with over 8000 hours of project management experience and over ten years of expertise in system development and application security. Almuhaisin led similar initiatives while working on Aramco’s blockchain digital transformation route. He completed his study at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, and Udacity has awarded him a blockchain nano degree.

2. Ismail Issa

Ismail Issa is the Head of Blockchain at ISS and an award-winning technology and digital transformation expert with over 15 years of experience managing technology teams in cryptocurrency (Software Hive). The Curated NFT Ecosystem counts him as an executive partner. Issa provides advice and evaluates cryptocurrency initiatives during various fundraising and technological review/assessment rounds. He continued schooling at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he studied radical innovation.

3. Marwan Alzarouni

With the launch of his business OTC Supply DMCC, crypto pioneer Marwan Alzarouni established the first crypto over-the-counter desk in the region. This Middle East blockchain leader is the owner and CEO of Foresee Payment Services, as well as the CEO of Dubai’s Blockchain Centre. He has vast expertise in information security management, network security, computer forensics, and cryptocurrencies. Alzarouni has worked for non-profit blockchain, security, and information technology organizations while authoring several scholarly articles. At Edith Cowan University, he pursued an information security and intelligence degree.

4. Mati Greenspan

Mati Greenspan is the CEO and creator of Quantum Economics, and a portfolio manager licensed by CySEC, which specializes in the crypto-asset markets. Before this, he was employed by the social trading platform eToro as a senior market analyst. He has worked in the financial industry and co-wrote The Complete Guide to Fintech and Investing. Several firms, including LunarCRUSH, Electroneum, Luno Global, and the 1-inch network, have him on their advisory boards.

5. Ola Doudin

After purchasing her first Bitcoin in 2013, Ola-Doudin became fascinated by the technology. The following year, she established the Dubai-based firm BitOasis, a cryptocurrency exchange and online wallet accessible throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia. Doudin is presently the Co-Founder & CEO at BitOasis and was the first to employ multi-signature technology to secure your digital assets. Before this, she mentored software companies and was an IT risk adviser at Ernst & Young. She graduated from the University of Birmingham with a degree in electronics and communication engineering.

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