Blockchain is Successfully Piloted by Swift and UBS for Tokenized Fund Transactions


Overcoming Obstacles in Conventional Fund Management

Swift and UBS have successfully finished a blockchain pilot project aimed at streamlining transactions involving tokenized funds. The initiative gave access to more than 11,500 financial institutions in more than 200 countries and showed how digital asset transactions may be integrated with fiat-based payment systems. Swift claims that human inefficiencies, delays, and a lack of transparency are problems with traditional fund management procedures. In the $63 trillion mutual fund market, these problems lead to increased operating expenses, limited liquidity, and lost opportunities.

Blockchain Technology as a Tokenized Funds Solution

To make tokenized fund subscriptions and redemptions easier, the pilot made use of Swift’s current network and the Chainlink platform. Without needing the widespread use of on-chain payment systems, this method enables straight-through payment processing. The technology provides a more smooth operational process by automating the whole lifecycle of money, which lowers transaction friction.

Expanding on Cooperation Projects

The pilot expands on previous partnerships, such as those between SBI Digital Markets and UBS Asset Management to develop a Digital Subscription and Redemption mechanism for tokenized funds. Additionally, it is in line with Singapore’s Project Guardian, an international project that looks into how asset tokenization might improve market efficiency and liquidity. Swift’s architecture was essential because it provided strong connectivity between blockchain networks and financial institutions.

Improving Tokenized Investment Fund Workflow

The project created procedures that enable UBS’s tokenized investment fund to automatically mint and burn fund tokens in accordance with predetermined criteria by utilizing Swift’s scalable and secure infrastructure. The operational paradigm of tokenized funds has advanced significantly with this capacity, which guarantees smooth communication between stakeholders.

Connecting Digital and Conventional Asset Systems

For digital assets to be widely used, Swift officials emphasized the significance of integrating new digital currencies with established payment systems. The pilot showed how these two worlds may be connected by the global Swift network, allowing for safe and scalable transactions across a range of currencies and asset classes.

Using Chainlink to Increase Digital Asset Capabilities

The importance of Swift’s infrastructure in expanding the use of digital asset payments was underlined by Chainlink executives. They emphasized the growing significance of off-chain payment options in the financial ecosystem by pointing out how this integration broadens the possible user base and promotes greater capital flow for digital assets.

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